Patrice Lajoye (ed.)

New researches on the religion and mythology of the Pagan Slavs

ISBN: 979-10-94441-46-6

222 p., 23€

 Slavic mythology is very little known to the Western public. Also a group of researchers from seven different countries (Australia, France, Greece, Poland, Czech Republic, Russia, Ukraine) has made the choice to translate recent works on the subject into English.

Eight of the articles in this volume study different aspects of ancient Slavic mythology, while one is a synthesis of the Baltic mythology and religion.

With the contributions of Jiří Dynda, Alexander V. Ivanenko, Kamil Kajkowski, Aleksandr Koptev, Oleg V. Kutarev, Patrice Lajoye, Marina M. Valentsova, Roman Zaroff and Stamatis Zochios.

Table of contents


Jiří Dynda, Slavic Anthropogony Myths. Body and Corporeality in the Slavic Narratives about the Creation of Man

Alexander V. Ivanenko, Towards the PSl. *stribogъ origin

Oleg V. Kutarev, Description of Rod and Rožanicy in Slavic mythology. B. A. Rybakov and his predecessors interpretations

Kamil Kajkowski, Idols of the Western Slavs in the Early Medieval period. The example of Pomerania (northern Poland)

Stamatis Zochios, Slavic deities of death. Looking for a needle in the haystack

Marina M. Valentsova, Slovak mythological vocabulary on the Common Slavic background. Ethno-linguistic aspect

Aleksandr Koptev, Mythological triadism as the paradigm of princely succession in early Rus’ according to the Primary Chronicle

Patrice Lajoye, Sovereigns and sovereignty among pagan Slavs

Roman Zaroff, Some aspects of pre-Christian Baltic religion


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